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Interviewer: You be, sort of looking at me as [crosstalk 00:00:02].

Mark Beauchamp: Nice.

Kristin Beaucha: Well, we are really grateful, because Logos has done a lot. We’re just really glad that you asked us.

Interviewer: I thought about you guys-

Kristin Beaucha: Sure.

Mark Beauchamp: My name’s Mark Beauchamp.

Interviewer: Who’s that?

Mark Beauchamp: Goodness. This is my wife, Kristin. Let’s try it again. Take two.

Kristin Beaucha: Take two.

Mark Beauchamp: And scene. My name’s Mark Beauchamp, and this [00:00:30] is my wife Kristin. Our kids got to Logos School.

Kristin Beaucha: We got four kids.

Mark Beauchamp: Four kids. Three at Logos School. They’ve all gone to Logos School since the beginning. Since their beginning, since the beginning of Logos School.

Interviewer: So, that’s all that they’ve ever-

Mark Beauchamp: Yeah, that’s all that they’ve ever done.

Kristin Beaucha: We have Oscar, who’s in sixth grade, and Piper, who’s in fourth grade, and Beau is in second. [00:01:00] So, we have the nice little tiered system, and then Sayla will be going to school next year.

Interviewer: She’ll be going to preschool.

Kristin Beaucha: She’ll be going to preschool next year. The last one.

Interviewer: Has it been for all of them?

Kristin Beaucha: We had Oscar, he started and he just really loved the high expectations, the hard work ethic. It just helped him. He loves the competition, and the good teaching. He just thrives there. And, that’s great.

Interviewer: Who is his favorite?

Mark Beauchamp: I think [00:01:30] it’s whichever teacher he’s getting taught by that year. I don’t think he’d look back and say there were bad teachers, just that this year, “Mr. Becker’s great,” or “Mr. Cole’s great,” or “Mrs. Loyd’s great.”

Kristin Beaucha: Yeah, he’s really has had a positive experience through them all, but I think he liked Mr. Cole a lot. And, he is enjoying Mr. Becker, but, I don’t know, he’s a boy, so he really has loved the couple of boy teachers recently.
Yeah, Piper too. We had a moment [00:02:00] where we actually didn’t put her in. We thought maybe we should try her with homeschooling, so we actually pulled her out, and we tried that for all of two weeks. Put her right back in! And, it was really great, because we met with Matt Whittling through that period, and he was just really, “You need to do what you need to do,” and was just super supportive, and in the end, when we pulled her out, he was like, “Okay, you need to do what you need to do.”
And then, [00:02:30] we called him a couple weeks later and said, “We want the Logos!”

Mark Beauchamp: It was definitely one of those things where it’s like, we thought we were aiming for just a particular, we weren’t really one to plug in with her. Basically, …

Kristin Beaucha: Fill her love tank and make sure that we were being willing to sacrifice different things for her if that’s what she needed, and with Piper, she ended up just really thriving. Not thriving at homeschooling, [00:03:00] for her particularly, and I know some kids it’s really great for them, but.
So, we threw her back. When we called and said, “Hey, Matt. Can we throw Piper back in?” He was like, “Oh, yes! Absolutely. We will do whatever we can to make it.” So, that was a really positive, because they were willing to walk us through the process. And when we were a little unsure, just the graciousness and the welcoming back was just, it was wonderful. And we were like Uh, it was just lovely.

Interviewer: [00:03:30] That our [inaudible 00:03:32]

Mark Beauchamp: Yeah, and I would say it’s the absolute love for Christ that is uniform across every teacher every administrator every parent. Like it is a solid wall of Christian living and faithfulness. Just flat out, and it’s kind of like they’re outstanding examples of love for Christ. And you just kind of go, okay [00:04:00] where else am I going to find that. You’re not going to find that. You might find a pocket at one school or another. You might find just like wow, this a great example. This just feels like the all-star team of faithful Christian living. Like that’s what it is like when you walk into this school.

Kristin Beaucha: I totally agree with that. My answer to that question was, is pretty much the same with you. It’s just that Logos really cares about the soul. So it’s not just a matter [00:04:30] of getting certain academic grades or getting our sports teams to be a certain. They actually care about how their walk with the lord is. And I feel like that is what has made me trust them with our children so much, because it’s not simply academics. Or you know, what they can put on the basketball court, or speech meets and all that. But it’s really, they care about the kids and their souls and their walk with the lord. And that’s why I just love Logos, [00:05:00] and I’m so happy to be a part of it.

Interviewer: Wow, you’re convincing me. Now I will say though I’m. (missing audio)

Mark Beauchamp: Because it’s not just simply a curriculum where Christ is mentioned every once, and a while, but the absolute authority of scripture come is first. Everything is routed off of that. It’s reflected down to the songs that they sing, the way they start class, the materials that comes home. What pops up at the dinner table when we’re talking [00:05:30] about the day. It’s not icing on the cake. It’s the floor, the table, the plate, the cake, and the icing. The whole thing is from the ground up centered on Christ, and it’s foundation is Christ. And so you wouldn’t find a point where you’re like, Well that doesn’t sound like it’s related to Christianity, it’s like no, it’s all rooted. It’s not a break from the conversation with the kids, [00:06:00] when we’re talking about one subject or another.

Kristin Beaucha: It is wonderful that the kids can come home and they’re doing their homework and they actually are singing songs that they’re learning. I mean it is, it’s a whole indwelling within them that is just pours out. I remember one example of one of our sons. A teacher came and approached us and just said, You know, with your son, he’s such a leader, and I could really see him being the leader of the good kids, [00:06:30] or the leader of the bad kids.
So he has leadership potential. And that was a perspective that we wouldn’t have caught. We could see his leadership, but you could also, in the classroom when we aren’t there watching him. What is he doing? What is going on with him? And you could see him wanting to be the class clown, or wanting to be goofy. And that was a great perspective to get introducted into to just our viewpoint and our vantage point. And so [00:07:00] having a teacher be able to speak into that was like, okay great, well now we know. And now we know where we need to tighten up or where we can help, and support, and guide. So having them come along and help us re-direct or focus in on some weakness’ in our children has been fantastic.

Interviewer: So (missing audio)

Kristin Beaucha: Beau, Beau, Beau, is funny, he’s a great kid. We actually thought he’d be more of a goofball. But when he gets into that classroom he just is nose [00:07:30] to the grindstone. He really wants to get his stellar speller award and get his name on the wall.

Mark Beauchamp: Yep.

Kristin Beaucha: So he really loves that academic push, and he wants to be the best.

Mark Beauchamp: Who’s his teacher, this year.

Kristin Beaucha: He has Mrs. Wilson, Chantel.

Mark Beauchamp: Yeah.

Interviewer: Tell me about her.

Kristin Beaucha: I love Chantel Wilson, because of her love for the kids. You can tell that she’s somebody … I heard a story that she had always wanted to be teacher as Logos. And then here [00:08:00] she is living it. And you can see that, just pouring over in the way that she is excited and singing and she has a really kind, laid back. But still she has those kids in line and in tow. And I am the room mom this year, for that class. But the kids love to be in there, they love to learn from her. And so her love for learning just overflows. Beau loves her, Piper had her, and loved [00:08:30] her too. She’s just like a good one who gets better as her experience has gotten better and better. So we really just love her atmosphere in the classroom everyone is happy. And you can just see that, it’s just not that, Oh I got to be here, but she just delights in it. And you can see her kids, her classroom, projects that when you walk in it.

Interviewer: Have you found (missing audio)

Kristin Beaucha: I think that the different teachers are trying to, or different stages of, I think some classrooms [00:09:00] you walk in and you can tell like these kids are getting. Just practicing sitting in their chair. And it feels a little more formal. Like especially in like, you know like those, I don’t know.

Mark Beauchamp: Maybe the way to put it is that the teachers are suited well to the grades they’re teaching. And because it is a classical Christian school and there’s that identification that this is the stage they’re going through right now. That teacher is geared towards that stage. They’re going to have a different character [00:09:30] as the kids are progressing, they’re going to be much more suited to they are. They’re much more suited to the particular stage that kids in. And really knowing, alright, right now, they definitely just need to learn how to sit still and raise their hand. That’s key, like that’s the number 1 thing right now. And so they’re going to have that different character. But then that’s still underlying bedrock. I think that I would, Yeah I think that there’s the difference in the teachers [00:10:00] is the difference of being suited towards the stage that they’re teaching. More than it is the difference in terms of like, Yeah, I don’t know how to finish that sentence so I’ll just stop right there.

Kristin Beaucha: Well I think that no matter what classroom you walk into. You know, volunteering in the classroom, or walking in, or having to grab a kid for an appointment. And you walk in, all the kids stand and they are just super respectful. Classroom is organized, you know you just see that they have respect, for their teachers, [00:10:30] but also for parents as they walk in. You know they’re just well mannered and I appreciate that. But it’s great, the classroom environment is great.

Mark Beauchamp: Yep.

Interviewer: Can I um?

Kristin Beaucha: Just go for it.

Mark Beauchamp: Yeah, basically where my mom, and dad, and grandma, all of them owned land in California. But it’s farm land so it’s commission based. Sometimes the crops come in and sometimes they don’t. And there’s years were there is no water, there’s no crops, there’s no [00:11:00] rent coming off the land. But, one of the things they said is, we want to bless you guys, we want to help you with your situation with your kids. We’re going to use this money coming from the crops to do that.
Then California goes through drought, after drought, after drought, after drought. And they continued being able to help us. And then there was a real point, it’s like, we don’t know if this is going to work? Like we don’t know if we’re going to have anything at all coming off the land this year?
And so I sat down with Larry and [00:11:30] just said, here’s where we’re at. Here’s what I am making, what can we do? And they are like, we’ll figure it out. And it just kid of like we’re going to figure this out. It’s not a question of whether your kids are going to Logos, the will, it’s figuring out what we can do to help you raise your kids, teach your kids, it wasn’t a question of whether or not, Oh we don’t know if you guys can come, or maybe we can make this happen. It’s like no, your kids are coming. [00:12:00] We’ll figure it out.

Kristin Beaucha: And I think that, that was just a level of loyalty to us too. Like you had mentioned partnership, and Logos wanting to partner with parents and it’s hard enough to not have tons of money for Logos. Just to know that there was a sense of peace and just care for us as a family, just saying we’re committed. We’re committed to you, you’re committed to us, we’re going to make this happen. That just made [00:12:30] us feel really great, because Logos is the place you wan to be. You want to figure out how to be there and if things are short it just, if money is short you just know that Logos is going to help you make that happen. And we were just so grateful for that.

Interviewer: I guess.

Kristin Beaucha: Absolutely, I think that one thing too is that as I’ve gone out and people you know just go to Michaels craft store or whatever, and they’ll be like, oh, we’re got your kids. [00:13:00] Oh where do they go to school? And you say Logos, and like, oh that’s such a great school. I’d love to send my kids there, you know, but it’s just so expensive. And I just said, you need to call, you know if you have a desire call them. See what they can do for you. And it is a great place, and so I think that it’s good that people know that Logos is open to hearing from parents and willing to work things out with them, because if you have a desire to be a part of Logos then you know I we’ve experience [00:13:30] between us that they have a commitment to want to make it happen for you.

Interviewer: (missing audio) or order.

Mark Beauchamp: No, it was much more of like, given we’ve made a commitment, we’ve said hay, we really want to have our kids coming to Logos. And then to go but, now our circumstances have changed. I don’t know how we’re going to able to do this. But we’ve told you we want to come, this is our situation, we don’t know what to do. And then to have it be, [00:14:00] don’t worry about that part. Yeah, God will provide, there’s no question about you guys coming, so we’ll figure it out. And I think that’s what you’re saying. And what it is, it’s much more of, it’s not so much a culture, just simply a trust. If we’re doing what God wants us to do, then he’ll sort it out. He’ll help us. And this is the school, this is Logos school saying this. If we’re doing what God wants us to do, [00:14:30] then God will provide. And your question of how this is going to work. That doesn’t bother us nearly as much. It doesn’t bother us. What we’re excited about is that you want to come. We’ll figure it out. That’s different, right?

Kristin Beaucha: Definitely unique.

Mark Beauchamp: That’s different.

Kristin Beaucha: Definitely unique.

Interviewer: Yeah I don’t think you get that at too many schools.

Kristin Beaucha: You don’t find that at too many places.

Interviewer: And a lot of the schools that charge (missing audio) What else do you?

Kristin Beaucha: One other thing I really love about Logos. [00:15:00] It’s not a small thing, but it is a small thing, but it’s a detail, and I think detail is so often are so important, is that. Once or twice a year we get a postcard in the mail, and it’s addressed to one of our children. The children open up that postcard and in there is a little letter from Matt Whitling and it says, we’ve been praying for you Beau, this morning we prayed for you Beau, we prayed for you Piper, we prayed for you Oscar.
I feel like that’s an extra component to Logos that I think [00:15:30] is really important to mention, it’s just the praying for the kids. They pray through the roster, because they actually care about the kid. And for the kid to get the postcard, it’s not that it was sent to the parents. Hey parents we’re praying. It was to the child. We care about you Beau, we care about you Piper, we care about you Oscar, and then someday Sayla. And they put it on their bookshelves, and they care about it. It means something to them. I think that, that’s [00:16:00] another detail, that’s the kind of thing that Logos does well. Is that they recognize the details, but it comes from a deep sense of love and care and that can only come from Christ.

Mark Beauchamp: Yep.

Kristin Beaucha: You know, those kind of details.

Interviewer: You know, and that’s something that we can’t afford to lose. Right?

Mark Beauchamp: I can’t imagine. Well and part of it is like, there is a point where you could have worried about losing the culture when you moved out of the church basement. Right, to a roller rink, things are really going to change, absolutely. [00:16:30] There is that point where you could have been like, but I think it’s kind of like, it’s that next step where it’s like, well we have to step forward, we have to go to the next step. And we can’t be not faithful. Faithlessness is not an option. We have to take the next step. So we can’t be worried about the next step because we have to do it. So I am.

Interviewer: (missing audio)Collapsed?

Mark Beauchamp: It hasn’t collapsed yet. I think yet, is the next. It’s [00:17:00] not a collapse, it’s just more of the walls are kinda gonna bucked out. It’s not going to be a flump, it’s going to be a boof, and so you kind of, before that happens.

Kristin Beaucha: I think with all the portables, and all the pieces that Logos has created creatively, it’s like Legos. It’s like we have been building Legos on the roller rink. At some point all those Lego pieces need to get joined together. I [00:17:30] feel like the campus currently is fantastic, and they have been so faithful with what they have. But at some point, you’ve got to put all those Lego pieces together. We have that, and to have that opportunity I think will just help strengthen the body too, to have all the kids in the same building. Where they’re passing each other, in the halls. It will give a different feel. Even a stronger feel of togetherness, and the student body really operating.
Right now all our kids are in the portables outside, and it’s [00:18:00] great. Because they all see each other, great. But I do think that something that could be even stronger. To feel a part of we’re passing Mr Whitling more in the hall. So I think that, that is a limitation. Going to the new campus will strengthen that student body even more. So much culture happens in the hallways. The older kids mixing with the younger kids. So it is a limitation and I think the new campus will afford a better opportunity for the student body to grow, and [00:18:30] just feel more united.

Mark Beauchamp: And there are like 3, I see, hills of death when you’re coming in or out of the Logos parking lot.

Kristin Beaucha: Maybe.

Mark Beauchamp: Gene can attest to, no one has died yet. There’s the yet again.

Kristin Beaucha: (missing audio) and the care of the school.

Interviewer: Yeah exactly.

Kristin Beaucha: Yeah come, come to Logos. Sorry we don’t have room.

Interviewer: It creates some frustration. Right, in the community.

Kristin Beaucha: Absolutely.

Mark Beauchamp: God calls you to one stage of life, and he calls [00:19:00] you to the next, then he calls you to the next. It simply means, we are growing up a little bit more. We have more responsibility. We have more people who want to go to Logos school. We have the next generation of kids, who are growing up. We can’t do that where we are at, effectively. We can do as much as we can. I think Logos school is being a good steward of the building it was given. Now it’s being given the opportunity to be a good steward of something bigger. So faith with the little church basement. Faith with [00:19:30] the roller rink. Faith with a big piece of ground.

Kristin Beaucha: And all of that is just walking in faith, you know. Be faithful with what you have, is what you’re saying. And they have been, and it’s, well why won’t they be faithful with the next step. I think that’s the key, is just all of it has to be based in Christ. That’s what they are based in. So you walk out in faith, and the next step, and just knowing that God is faithful, and he’s a good [00:20:00] God, and that he’ll bless it. Anything you’d like to.[crosstalk 00:20:04]

Mark Beauchamp: Well it depends on who’s coming. Like if we are talking to someone who is like well this is amazing. I love the idea. I love Logos school. I can’t be there, my kids are all grown up. But this is really great, what Gods doing. If you are talking with someone like that it’d be well yeah, this is amazing. You should come and visit sometime.

Kristin Beaucha: That’s exactly what I was going to say. Come visit. [00:20:30] I think that if you’re on the fence or if you’re not sure, wherever stage of life. It’s a great place, it’s a really welcoming place. Come, walk that halls come see what they’re doing. It’s one thing to see it in a pamphlet or a flat piece of paper, or a website. But there is sort of, a bit of magic when you walk in and you see it. It give the right feel, and framework to understand that’s hard to express into words. But walking through the halls, and coming to visit or [00:21:00] coming to an assembly or the plays. They just, what they are able to have those kids do is remarkable and it is worth taking a look at.

Mark Beauchamp: And then if it was like a parent, who is like just new into town. What’s Logos school about? I’m thinking about sending him. I’m just looking at the schools in town. What’s different about Logos? It’s kind of like, you don’t know what has just happened. You’ve landed in Moscow Idaho, which has Logos school in it.
It would [00:21:30] be kind of like someone who goes to Florence because he has to do some engineering trip, and then turns out he’s in Florence Italy. Do you know where you are? Do you know what you could do right now? They were going there for this, and it turns out you have this. I don’t even know where to start with something like that. It would be like Oh my gosh, you guys lucked out.

Kristin Beaucha: Yeah, absolutely.

Mark Beauchamp: You’re in Moscow Idaho. Do you know what you can do there?

Kristin Beaucha: Yeah, absolutely.

Mark Beauchamp: So [00:22:00] it would depend on who you were talking to. I wouldn’t call it an investment. I would say that … what would be the right way to put it. Typically, when you go, this is a random example, but if you were looking for an investor for your business. You would go in and say hi, I have this really great business. But part of it, as an investor, let’s say there are multiple people who all could invest money in you. You’d go great, this person actually [00:22:30] fits better with my company. I’ll take his money because of the unique qualities, or skills, or abilities.
Flip that on its head. Logos isn’t an investment it’s the kind of thing that, instead of you taking on someones’ money because they’re unique thing. You want to put your money into something that years from now you’re going to look back and go. Yeah I helped them [00:23:00] with that campus. It’s kind of like yeah, I’m tied back to that. I’m tied back to when Logos school decided it was going to go to the next stage, and build this building and continue the ministry that it’s done for so many years. I was there. It’s kind of that.

Kristin Beaucha: Bringing them into the family, kind of.

Mark Beauchamp: Yep.

Kristin Beaucha: Yeah, it really is a family atmosphere, and what you’re saying too. It’s not a business, it’s a family, kind of environment. And it’s a [00:23:30] community, and so if you felt called, or wanted to invest. It is an investment in a sense. But really, it’s a way for you to be a part of the community and plug in to the family that is Logos. And to what they are trying to build and accomplish in each of these little souls. And that’s what it is. We are building souls, academically and spiritually. And that’s why we just love it so much. And it’s [00:24:00] a worthwhile investment from a parent, from your parents, and your grandmother even. Your grandparents. They’ve all been investing in Logos. It’s definitely a worthwhile one.
No, we’re really happy that you asked because Logos has been so great to us. Like just to be given the opportunity to speak about it, and to give back in some small way. Of course, we’re just really glad you asked us to be here. So thank [00:24:30] you.

Mark Beauchamp: We would put on chicken costumes and dance on the street corner to help Logos out if that’s.

Kristin Beaucha: We could. Do you want us to?

Interviewer: Would you? I am going to make a mental note. And then I’ll

Mark Beauchamp: Yep, if that’s what it took to help. We would do it.

Kristin Beaucha: Annual fun, Chicken Costumes, we’ll do it

Interviewer: That’s right, year end live amongst the cars that carpool and ask if they’ve given to our.

Kristin Beaucha: Crossing guard, in chicken costumes, well no we’ve got to do Knight costumes. Knights, Logos Knights.

Mark Beauchamp: Knights costumes, and we’ll each have jousting spears, and we’ll put them down. You can’t come through, and then we will lift them up, and now you can come through.

Kristin Beaucha: Yes, we should institute that at the new campus. [00:25:00] Nice. Oh I’m just kidding.

Interviewer: Alright, making another mental note.


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