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Boden Lloyd: Well cause she’s very passionate-

Administrator: She was engaged in it, passionate about it, right? And so, she can translate. The passion translates.

Boden Lloyd: Exactly.

Luke Mason: If you see a teacher loving a subject in front of you-

Boden Lloyd: Yeah.

Luke Mason: You in turn will learn to love that subject, even if you had no prior interest in it whatsoever [crosstalk 00:00:15]

Boden Lloyd: And I feel like that’s how it was with-

Administrator: Wait, could you say that again? To Mr. Lickey?

Luke Mason: Just right now?

Administrator: Yeah.

Boden Lloyd: So if you have what?

Administrator: Any teacher that’s passionate for a subject …

Luke Mason: Yeah, if a teacher has passion for a subject, and is actively loving that subject in front of you. [00:00:30] Even if you’ve had no prior interest in that subject, you’ll learn to love it, too.

Administrator: So, who is that teacher?

Luke Mason: Mrs. Merkel.

Administrator: More than any other?

Luke Mason: More than any other teacher, yeah.

Boden Lloyd: Well I would say also, Mr. Garfield. He was very [crosstalk 00:00:41].

Luke Mason: That’s true, yeah. When you go through all the teachers it’s like they all do.

Boden Lloyd: [crosstalk 00:00:44] It’s just all of them. And Mr. Euice, how passionate he was about just like physics and math …

Luke Mason: Calculus, yep.

Boden Lloyd: But then at NSA, Pastor Apple with Lordship, he’s just …

Speaker 4: And I’d say Dr. [crosstalk 00:00:53]

Boden Lloyd: Oh yeah, just how passionate they get, you’re just like “Wow. I really like feel … I like that.” And just how much effort [00:01:00] their putting into it, you just kind of learn to love it. So …

Administrator: So back to, back to Schlect. And I [inaudible 00:01:08] what about introductions? Oh yeah. Okay, so wait. So yes, I want you to tell me, I want you to give me your name, and I want you to tell me how many years you did VOGUS. And I want you to tell me where you are now.

Drew Pilchard: Ah wait. Did you want me to [crosstalk 00:01:22] same year?

Luke Mason: Yes.

Speaker 4: Okay, can we go name, class of, and I’m currently [00:01:30] attending …

Administrator: There you go.

Speaker 4: Are you NSA?

Boden Lloyd: Yes sir.

Luke Mason: U of I

Drew Pilchard: NSA.

Speaker 4: Okay, and you graduated?

Drew Pilchard: 2017.

Speaker 4: Okay. So, “Hi my name is, LOGAS graduate class of ’17, currently attending University of Idaho, New St. Andrews College”

Drew Pilchard: And you do want us looking at the camera, correct?

Administrator: You’re looking at me. So I’m the only guy in the room [crosstalk 00:01:51] Painful as that may be, you can stare at me for about 15 minutes.

Speaker 4: We’ll go one at a time, let’s go … Start with blue shirt.

Administrator: I [00:02:00] am at all in the, as you swing?

Speaker 6: Not at all. And never mind the mic over your head.

Luke Mason: Okay. My name’s Luke Mason. I’m LOGAS graduate of 2017 and I’m attending New St. Andrews College.

Drew Pilchard: I am Drew Pilchard. I am a graduate of 2017, and I’m going to U of I.

Boden Lloyd: I’m Boden Lloyd and I’m a graduate of LOGAS 2017, and I currently attend New St. Andrews.

Administrator: Okay, back to Bennet Schlect
So, tell me, why …

Speaker 4: Why Bennet? [00:02:30] Why not Bennet?

Drew Pilchard: He has, I guess you could say, younger brother syndrome. That he just has to have … He has an older brother, but they’re five plus years apart, so he never really sees him. So, we’re kind of his older brothers. I don’t know how that happened.

Administrator: You just gotta beat up on him.

Luke Mason: In male sports teams, there’s a long and venerable tradition of beating on those who step out of their place. So, Bennet, as an underclassman, two years below our class, would always be spunky [00:03:00] and act like he could josh around with us. Then, we in turn, had to show him his actual place as a sophomore.

Drew Pilchard: Like putting him in a trashcan.

Luke Mason: Like putting him in a trashcan.

Administrator: Or dumping [inaudible 00:03:11] his pants.

Boden Lloyd: Yup.

Drew Pilchard: Yep, and then there’s … He was kicking on my knees all of lunch.

Boden Lloyd: In play actually.

Luke Mason: Just did it for a whole while [crosstalk 00:03:20]

Drew Pilchard: Yeah, he made the back of my knees bleed actually. So I put him in an arm bar and put him on the floor.

Luke Mason: In the bathroom. [crosstalk 00:03:26] And the Logos’ bathroom is nice, but the floors are not clean.

Boden Lloyd: Yeah, [00:03:30] it’s not the best possible place you could be. [crosstalk 00:03:36] It’s a gym locker. It’s a boy gym locker room.

Drew Pilchard: And not only is it a boy’s gym locker room, but junior high P.E. is always in there and the place always reeks of Axe body spray. All the time.

Boden Lloyd: Well, like the locker room was just glorious. We’ve had good memories in the locker room. (laughter) Every morning for cross country.[crosstalk 00:04:01] [00:04:00] But for cross country we would get there 5:20, 5:25 and then we would go on, we would do our sprints and our workout for cross country. We’d get back and then we’d all take showers.

Luke Mason: But the showers are always cold.

Boden Lloyd: Always cold because the ladies would get done quicker-

Luke Mason: They were not cold, they were ice cold. You were freezing your butt.

Boden Lloyd: So, how we would even keep our blood flowing is we would sing a lot. (laughter) A lot. And then we finally brought in Bluetooth speakers so we played some good music, and yeah, [00:04:30] that was good mornings.

Administrator: Did you all play, you all played lacrosse together? You did all run cross country. [crosstalk 00:04:35]

Boden Lloyd: We ran cross country, but all three of us ran lacrosse. Did. (laughter)

Administrator: Who coached you guys?

Drew Pilchard: Dr. Merkle

Boden Lloyd: And Coach Druble.

Drew Pilchard: And Coach Druble.

Administrator: Tell me about that, like, which one of you guys really excelled? And …

Drew Pilchard: Uh, Mr. Merkle [crosstalk 00:04:53] Oh, which one of us excelled? Uh,

Luke Mason: I think that was the best part of being on a Logos [00:05:00] team is that we’re all individual athletes and performers, but we all work really well together. Have really great team chemistry, and we’re all doing it for each other, not for ourselves. And so I don’t think a particular individual necessarily stood out, but we worked really well together as a unit, and we had a really great season this year. Beat some teams. Beat Ambrose. Beat Horah, uh, Beat Moscow of course, and yeah, we had a good time and we played hard.

Drew Pilchard: Yeah

Administrator: You know we as [00:05:30] administrators, we all like to think that a big part of, the reason why we even have an athletic programs in addition to academics is because things get worked out on the playing field, character building, right? So can you guys speak to that? Like even sometimes your theology gets worked out as your trying to [crosstalk 00:05:45]

Luke Mason: On cross country trips there were many debates on theology. Somebody would bring up something and somebody else would be like, no, that doesn’t work.

Boden Lloyd: On the bus.

Luke Mason: On the bus. All the way down. All the way back.

Boden Lloyd: And then on the field we would have, [00:06:00] the teams we would play- we would play public high schools and like down in Boise or something like that, and they are rougher kids and they like to throw anything they can at us.

Drew Pilchard: They’re very physical and they like to cuss.

Boden Lloyd: Lots of cussing.

Luke Mason: Which is completely different being a Logos team because we needed to be more physical, but we definitely didn’t cuss at all.

Boden Lloyd: Yeah

Drew Pilchard: So it was different- it was weird playing against them

Boden Lloyd: And then a lot of them would get angry and the way of being Christian on the field is we would just act cool like water off a duck’s back. And we would try to just stay as cool as we could, and we never had a problem [00:06:30] ever with anger on the team.

Luke Mason: No, and it’s an opportunity to love the other team by just performing hard, but not losing your temper like a lot of the other team did. And I think it actually translated into an award at the end of the year. The Logos Lacrosse team got the outstanding team of the year. All the other teams voted on who they thought [crosstalk 00:06:50] performed the best sportsmanship.

Drew Pilchard: By coaches and stuff-

Boden Lloyd: Afterwards, after the games-

Drew Pilchard: That was pretty great. Even if we lost we’d be like, okay, we got recognized for our attitudes and that [00:07:00] was really great.

Boden Lloyd: Yeah, and that was, out of all the games we played, the people that were just fun to play with, the best games were the teams where they were just there for fun. They weren’t there for anger, or just to win, and they were just really fun to play with, and you could see how both teams played, because we would feel better, they would feel better, and we would actually just play to our best abilities and just have fun while doing it, so.

Administrator: Favorite coach and why, of all your high school experience.

Luke Mason: Um …

Drew Pilchard: Oh, that’s easy.

Luke Mason: [00:07:30] Dr. Merkle

Drew Pilchard: No, Mrs. Bryant

Luke Mason: I guess it’s not easy (laughter)

Boden Lloyd: For any sport, Mrs. Bryant definitely. Not just because she brought us chocolate milk-

Drew Pilchard: And donuts.

Boden Lloyd: And candy, and donuts, every morning, but mostly cause she was so passionate about it, and she would be there a long side- not running with us, but she would be there emotionally supportive because cross country, it takes a good bit to push yourself. Mostly mentally, not just physically.

Drew Pilchard: It’s all mental. It’s a mental sport.

Boden Lloyd: So, she was just so passionate and [00:08:00] really for me I saw how much she wanted me to do well, and in cross country, and I think that helped me a lot, and then she would, she bought me a really nice pair of shoes because I had really bad knee problems, and she bought me shoes and would always- was always there for us, so I think of any coach, Mrs. Bryant, definitely.

Luke Mason: I sort of think that they all offered different things. I did not run cross country, but take Dr. Merkle, for instance. [00:08:30] He would always give us a sermon before the game.

Boden Lloyd: Oh yeah. He would preach to us. Preach to us the Word, and tell us how lacrosse ties in with this passage in like I Corinthians. And then you’ve got people like Mr. Druble, who is sacrificing so much for our success. Putting in the time to be with us at practice, and be with us at games when he’s got stacks and stacks of chemistry papers he could be grading. [crosstalk 00:08:56] He teaches all the science classes at Logos and he’s still there for us. [00:09:00] I really respected that. Yeah, Matt Whitling coaching basketball. He taught me a work ethic probably more than any other coach because he will make you work. And do it happily in a joyful manner.

Luke Mason: Just observing basketball practices. I was like- they looked in so much pain, but you guys enjoyed it because you guys learned how to work hard.

Boden Lloyd: And because we know that he cares about us and he wants us to get better.

Administrator: So, here’s an interesting question, [00:09:30] at least I think it’s [inaudible 00:09:32] (laughter) As you look at the plans for the school since you’ve probably seen them. Your Mom and Dad were mailed a prospectus in regard to it, and you see all this new gyms, there will be practice gym and a competition gym, and you see competition fields and practice fields. As you look at that and you think to the future do you think more, golly that would have been nice, as graduates, or do you think more generously and be honest, do you think more generously and say [00:10:00] this is awesome because maybe my kids will play on here. It’s great for the next, for the younger kids, three years from now, two years from now actually on the playing fields, but what’s your attitude toward what’s coming? A little resentful, or honestly, or is it all, this is going to be awesome because-

Luke Mason: I’d say it’s a bit of both. That’s why I loved Mr. Merkle. Dr. Merkle.

Administrator: Start over in the sense that you’re going to say, I think it’s awesome that [00:10:30] we’re building a new campus and they’ll have this.

Luke Mason: Okay

Administrator: Frame it because-

Luke Mason: So, I love the reason why we’re building a new campus. It’s going to be great because the fields here, the fields is one of the ones as a lacrosse player we’re really looking forward to because the springs here are very gnarly. It’s very wet and there was still snow half way through the spring, so that’s something to really look forward to, and slightly resentful for as lacrosse player. I really wish we could have had a nice turf field to practice on. We wouldn’t have to buy a- spend money to go work to go plant [00:11:00] another one.

Boden Lloyd: Yeah, actually on that. I think the turf field is going to be a huge blessing for the lacrosse team because we used to go to the U of I turf field and I remember one time our lacrosse team was on the field and we were just practicing, and they the U of I quidditch team who had apparently scheduled the practice field, kicked us off the field and you know, there’s some humiliating things, but getting kicked off a practice field by a quidditch team. That’s up there with the best of them.

Administrator: I’m going to put [00:11:30] a word in your mouth. Getting kicked off by a fictional game.

Boden Lloyd: Exactly. Getting kicked off of a turf field by a fictional team- by a college team playing a fictional game was pretty embarrassing.

Drew Pilchard: That was interesting. But I’m hoping with the new gym, I’m hoping they have two water heaters for the showers. (laughter) Because that [00:12:00] would be- I would be a little resentful, but other than that I think it would be really cool to go back through and visit one day at the new school and see how much these kids, these younger kids who are probably at Logos now are going to be able to- how much they are going to be able to get out of the new school. So, I think that will be awesome.

Administrator: All this is cool. I’m going to switch gears here from athletics to academics, so let me ask a similar question but different here. [00:12:30] Favorite teacher and why. Any of you, just tell me. Look at me and tell me which one and why. That’s hard right?

Luke Mason: It’s really hard because I honestly go, Miss Merkle’s awesome, but then-

Boden Lloyd: It’s like asking for a favorite ice cream. They’re all good.

Drew Pilchard: It’s coffee ice cream. That’s easy.

Luke Mason: Then it goes to. I loved Mr. Garfield, but then Mr. Euice was an amazing teacher for physics and calculus senior year, so amazing. I loved Mrs. Merkle because she was one of those really fun teachers that loved what she [00:13:00] was doing and had the best stories, so if you get her off topic it was so much fun. You’d learn so much, and it was- I just loved that. And Mr. Garfield’s love of history and to teach all of us, and his puns were great. (laughter)

Drew Pilchard: Depends on your view of puns on a whole. I’m not a fan, but- (laughter)

Boden Lloyd: I would also say Mr. Druble just because I think [00:13:30] him and I, our humor- we would just- we connected.

Luke Mason: Very dry.

Boden Lloyd: Yeah, we were in there and so just talking with him after class or before class and the way he taught. It was just- I’m not a science or math person, and so having him as a teacher I think really helped me a long through chemistry. Especially through chemistry (laughter) yeah. That was really helpful, but yeah Mr. [00:14:00] Garfield, Mrs. Merkle, they’re just all so amazing.

Administrator: So, you’re all freshman and you stepped out of that Logos bubble into various locations at least two here represented, but tell me how, and this gets back to the question earlier. Tell me how your experience at Logos has set you up, for lack of a better word, success, where you are now. What you’re learning- and I’m not just talking [00:14:30] about the subjects you were taught, but how you were taught, or maybe character for perseverance or things. So you can speak to the quality of education you got, but also just a work ethic, or maybe character building aspects of it as well. One at a time.

Boden Lloyd: So, for me especially the rhetoric class at Logos. I’m not- I was naturally a public speaker and [00:15:00] so that brought that out of me and to speak in front of other people and in front of a whole class, at first I was really nervous in front of other people, and so we had to do a lot of public declamations in front of the whole class, and we also had to do memorization in front of the whole class. So we’d go up there and memorize, and having to think of something you’ve been studying and your long verse, or something, and in front of the class you’ve got the pressure and also trying to memorize. It’s really like- really really builds character, but that’s helped me [00:15:30] a ton because with my job now I do a lot of sales basically. I go out and talk with people and ask if I can do their dry cleaning basically and then on the janitorial side, I’m going out to bigger companies and giving them budgets and spreadsheets. And being able to articulate that clearly and having the knowledge to win them over will be- I think most importantly the product [00:16:00] can be super good and have good prices, but you have to win the person over before you can sell anything.

Administrator: So, to put all that into context. I want you to tell me what you’re doing. So, you’re a full time student and you’re also working “x” hours a week.

Boden Lloyd: Correct

Administrator: So, tell me that, so what you just said will make sense.

Boden Lloyd: I work for my parents. A business called Western Laundry, and we do dry cleaning, so anything from basically laundry [00:16:30] to janitorials, so that’s even reusables, toilet paper and chemicals and I do- I’m the main delivery man, and I also part-time manage the store when our other manager isn’t there. I go around selling chemicals and toilet paper (laughter) and then I also go to school full time at New St. Andrews.

Administrator: Okay, tell me all that again, but tell me more generically.

Boden Lloyd: Okay (laughter)

Administrator: I [00:17:00] work 50 hours a week at Western Laundry which my parents own, and I’m also a full time student.

Boden Lloyd: Okay

Administrator: Just more concise.

Boden Lloyd: Con- okay. So, I work at my parent’s business, it’s called Western Laundry, and I worked about 50 to 60 hours a week there, and then I also go to New St. Andrews full time, but I’m not taking Latin so that helps.

Administrator: Good, and for you, just your experience at Logos, [00:17:30] how it translates into being a student at U of I.

Drew Pilchard: So, Logos was really great for me because I was homeschooled all the way through 9th grade, so going to Logos was like, you’re drinking previously from a small water spout to a fireman’s hose, and it was crazy. I was just like, what have I done to myself, what have my parent’s done to me? It was amazing because everything that I’ve learned in all the classes, walking in immediately and meeting a teacher- going to the first class and then we pray before class, and then we sing, was absolutely amazing, but on [00:18:00] the academic side, I agree with Boden the rhetoric and specifically Mrs. Merkle’s class which made us memorize piles and piles of poems and stuff helped so much. Because she gives you a bucket and says here’s this poem you have to tell me out of 12 to 15 different poems you have memorized, and it- you get really good at it after a while and it’s really helpful.
How that all transferred to U of I. It’s- I mean Logos taught me how to work hard, so that’s really nice [00:18:30] and really really helpful. U of I so far has not been as hard as NSA for these two. It’s been a bit more of a breeze with some of my classes. Other times I have other classes that I’m drowning in, and I going, what is going on, but I know because of what I’ve done at Logos I can do it at U of I.

Luke Mason: I think that the things I learned at Logos are kind of three pronged. You have the benefit of very rigorous, strenuous [00:19:00] academics that teach you just to grind. Grind really hard. Learn to manage your time and to really put your all into everything that you’re doing. The second prong so to speak is the learning method, not only will you learn how to work hard, but you’re going to learn how to work smart. What is the most efficient way I can learn this information, and I think the classical method has everything to do with that. And then the last component is learning that it’s not about you. [00:19:30] It’s all about the people around you, blessing them and working hard with them and being on a team, and I- that’s really helped me with my work at [inaudible 00:19:38] the software development firm I work at. I’m on a data science team, and I have to work with other people all the time, and it’s been really helpful. I also go to New St. Andrews taking a full course load.

Administrator: So you guys are busy.

Luke Mason: Very busy. And I’m doing facility hosting for the new art theater. So if you ever want to schedule an event (laughter).

Administrator: So [00:20:00] if you could give me one- you meet me at [inaudible 00:20:06] I’m standing in line. You find out that I just moved to town. I’ve got four kids. I’m a Christian but don’t know much about Logos. What’s the one thing that each of you would tell me. Like this is the most important- you got to go visit because this is what you’ll find. If you’re sold on it, if you love it, if your family’s all vested like your families have been, to the extent that they sacrificed to [00:20:30] get you there. It’s expensive right? So, what would that one thing be? You really need to go, at least give it a shot, go visit Logos because it’s what?

Drew Pilchard: It’s the community. It’s being around a bunch of Christian kids that love the Lord and a bunch of Christian teachers that are teaching about the Lord, and like I said earlier, it’s amazing to walk in and to pray before each and every class and to sing worship songs to the Lord each and every class and be around so [00:21:00] many awesome, godly men and women, and for me it was the community was the biggest draw. I came back the first day, and was like, I’m drowning, but this is amazing. I could never leave here because the people here. It’s just so great.

Boden Lloyd: For me, when we moved up here. Like having math back when I was homeschooled, nothing was tied in to anything theological. Math and theology was completely separated, but at Logos the teachers would just completely tie in God into [00:21:30] every subject, and like Drew was saying with the community. That’s basically why we moved up here, for the communities love of God. It’s incredible.

Luke Mason: The teachers care about you. They’re not in it for the salary (laughter). They’re in it because they love you and they want you to be successful and they are giving you a gift. It’s something really special when you get to go to class and understand that.

Administrator: We’ve got a lot of great material. [00:22:00] Is there- as you guys were prepping for this and you (laughter) Is there anything- I’m asking all these leading questions and you’re doing a great job of answering them. Is there anything that we haven’t touched on that you haven’t said that you would like to say. You’ve got this perfect light on you and you’ve got this great videographer, and this is your chance to- you don’t have to, but is there something [00:22:30] that you would like to say about some aspect of the school beyond athletics or academics, or including those things that you haven’t said?

Boden Lloyd: I don’t think we’ve mentioned enough about the community inside the school. Not like- let alone the teachers are great, but the students inside the school. We’ve all got such a great relationship. A really great relationship. I mean, most schools, if [00:23:00] you go to any other school or like public schools, you see the drama in the class, it’s crazy. And then our class was just so great to be in because there was no drama. It was- I mean sure there was immaturity because we’re high schoolers, but (laughter) there was just- it was really easy to be with that class. Our senior trip was great because all of the students were great and we had fun. The hallways (laughter) before class started, [00:23:30] the free periods, and in the hallways between classes there was just experiences that you can’t experience anywhere else (laughter).

Administrator: Would you say that this is unique to your class? Because every class has a different flavor right?

Boden Lloyd: Very true.

Administrator: There’s drama and levels of drama.

Boden Lloyd: Correct

Administrator: So would you guys say that you- not being prideful, but would you say it was something special about you.

Drew Pilchard: Yes, yes.

Boden Lloyd: I would say our class was a little bit on the goodie two shoes side.

Luke Mason: We had a lot of smart people in it.

Boden Lloyd: We did have a lot of smart people. (laughter) [00:24:00] But, not say that we got away with bad stuff, but what you could get away with was just amazing. I think before, every morning in apologetics or Brit. Lit. I would pick up Miles Whitling the principal’s son. I would put him in a fireman carry and Drew or someone else would come up with [00:24:30] a Bible and just smack him right on the butt, and it was very memorable. And the whole school could hear it, or when we had pancake day or waffle day. We plugged in 8 waffle makers in walls and we blew out the whole circuit of the school and we had no power-

Drew Pilchard: Then we tried it again with pancakes. (laughter) The same thing happened. (laughter)

Administrator: This is a bit more serious. [00:25:00] Let’s just think for a second. Imagine back to a time earlier in your Logos career when you were less mature than you are now. Just take a couple seconds. Maybe it’s fourth grade, maybe it’s kindergarten, maybe it’s two years ago, okay? Now imagine you get to be an assembly speaker through a time machine. You get to be up on that stage as a Logos grad. Someone who made it and has successfully transferred into the real world. What would you say to your younger self and your classmates.

Drew Pilchard: [00:25:30] I would tell them to put their all into the school work and actually, believe in classical education. I think a lot of the problems with being raised in a classical family, or a reformed family is you’ve got this bubble and you think that everything is- the real world is out there and nothing you’re learning in classical school will work out their in [00:26:00] the real world, but I think I’ve learned the most from classical education, and so if I was speaking to a group of freshman guys back when I was there. I would have told them that this counts. How much this matters, and how much it will pay off later in life, and basically how much you will have on other people from this education is incredible.

Luke Mason: I think it’s really quite rare to find an institution [00:26:30] that has such rigorous academics and doesn’t feel cut throat. Where people are just try to edge each other up in the academics, but are also caring about each other. Oftentimes the other divide is at public schools, everyone’s failing, but we’re in it together. At Logos you’ve got the best of both worlds so to speak. You’ve got the camaraderie, but people are pushing each other academically and because it’s not about you, and I think that’s pretty great.

Administrator: So what you’re saying is [00:27:00] like, value it?

Luke Mason: Yeah, I’d say-

Drew Pilchard: Don’t take it for granted.

Luke Mason: It’s so difficult to see it- to get outside of your own head when you’re in that position, but just really just take note of it and appreciate it.

Administrator: Appreciate what?

Luke Mason: Appreciate the fact that you have an opportunity to excel academically and still be friends with everyone around you.

Administrator: So now flip it around and say it in the first person.

Luke Mason: Yeah (laughter) [00:27:30] I appreciated the fact that I was able to go to a place where I was able to excel academically and still be friends with everyone around me. It was not cut throat. It was just a blessing to me.

Boden Lloyd: How much the people around you lift you up and help you with your school, and how much the teachers. I think we’ve mentioned that, but how much the teachers help [00:28:00] you with your homework. They’re not just giving you answers, but you come to them and ask for help and they will help you as much as they can. And they can even see students struggling and they’ll come to the students and help you out through school and- yeah.

Administrator: Alright, I’ve got one last one. The theme of the campaign is “to a thousand generations” [crosstalk 00:28:23] We’re thinking generationally with this new campus, and each of you as Logos graduates have helped to put [00:28:30] a section of train track down on this road that we’re going down. What do you hope our community looks like after another 50 years of Logos school influencing the culture of our region. Influencing Moscow and imagine your kids, your grandkids being in this new facility. What do you want to see our community look like as a result? Just think about that for a second.

Luke Mason: [00:29:00] I pray that with the blessings the Lord is giving us with this campus and I pray that the love for the Lord that exists at Logos today will still be present there, and I don’t doubt that it will be.

Boden Lloyd: If I were to look 50 generations down I would love to see that Logos is still really really involved with community and loving the Lord and showing that love and being an example [00:29:30] for other Christians in the area, and being kind of a light for this- all of Idaho and for other classical schools to see.

Drew Pilchard: I’d say looking down the road like that. With that many Christians coming out of Logos being built up. They’re going to come out and they’re going to change the community. They’re going to change the culture, and Moscow is the most liberal place in Idaho, and to have a school like that, like Logos here it’s going to slowly change it and [00:30:00] it’s- I would say 50 generations down, it’s definitely going to be a different- a Christian community. Because of Logos, because of the people that Logos puts out.

Administrator: So you’re optimistic? (laughter) Is there anything that any of you would like to add before we wrap up?

Boden Lloyd: Go Knights! (laughter)

Administrator: I need a clean audio. Joshua put the mic on him. Alright, ready and look right [00:30:30] here, big smile-

Boden Lloyd: Go Knights!

Luke Mason: Go Knights!

Drew Pilchard: Go Knights!

Administrator: One more-

Drew Pilchard: Go Knights! (laughter) [crosstalk 00:31:06]

Administrator: [00:31:00] Thanks so much for taking the time. We got exactly what we were hoping to get. You guys were even more natural and relaxed. You appeared that way-


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